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Friday, March 23, 2012

Blog about it to write about it...

I think I'm about 10 years behind the times by social media times. Blogging has never really been my thing, but I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing.
Like I need another thing to occupy my time. Working at two churches, leading a Girl Scout troop and taking my girls to dance lessons doesn't seem to fill up every second, so why not add something else, right?
I've been really motivated to write lately. I've worked on a devotional before, but want to do something a little crazy or different. I saw an ad for a girl who had written what she called a "motivotional." A devotion with challenges to fulfill each day.
I think a 30 day motivotional would be awesome, but I've wondered what kind of spiritual and physical type of experiment would I want to complete for myself, and share with others.
What's your thought? What would you want to see someone do that would motivate you as well?
Weight loss, becoming a neat freak, becoming a crafting superhero...or something else.
Of course, I would add in Biblical principles and stories of encouragement.
This is not something I would necessarly publish, but am writing more for personal satisfaction, but who knows?
So tell me your thoughts.


  1. I like the "motivotional" idea! I'd love to be motivated to do whatever I do with love & thankfulness - sometimes it's hard not to feel like everything is a duty/drudgery, instead of celebrating the task at hand. I'd like to be more joyful NOW, not after I've crossed everything off my to-do list. (Especially since that day never seems to come!) :)

  2. Thanks, Lynne. I like that idea. Contentedness is always an issue we need to focus on a little more!
